TidesDB C++ Reference
You must make sure you have the TidesDB shared C library installed on your system. Be sure to also compile with
OFF. You will also require a C++11 compatible compiler.
Build and install
cmake -S . -B buildcmake --build buildcmake --install build
# Find the TidesDB C libraryfind_library(LIBRARY_TIDEDB NAMES tidesdb REQUIRED)
# Find the TidesDB C++ bindingfind_library(LIBRARY_TIDEDB_CPP NAMES tidesdb_cpp REQUIRED)
# Link with your targettarget_link_libraries(your_target PRIVATE ${LIBRARY_TIDEDB_CPP} ${LIBRARY_TIDEDB})
Open and Close
#include <tidesdb.hpp>
int main() { TidesDB::DB db; db.Open("your_db_directory");
/* Database operations... */
db.Close(); return 0;}
Column Family Management
/* Create a column family with custom parameters */db.CreateColumnFamily( "users", /* Column family name */ (1024 * 1024) * 64, /* Flush threshold (64MB) */ TDB_DEFAULT_SKIP_LIST_MAX_LEVEL, /* Max level for skip list */ TDB_DEFAULT_SKIP_LIST_PROBABILITY, /* Skip list probability */ true, /* Enable compression */ TIDESDB_COMPRESSION_LZ4, /* Use LZ4 compression */ true /* Enable bloom filter */);
/* List all column families */std::vector<std::string> families;db.ListColumnFamilies(&families);for (const auto& family : families) { std::cout << "Found column family: " << family << std::endl;}
/* Get column family statistics */TidesDB::ColumnFamilyStat stat;db.GetColumnFamilyStat("users", &stat);std::cout << "Memtable size: " << stat.memtable_size << " bytes" << std::endl;std::cout << "Number of SSTables: " << stat.num_sstables << std::endl;
/* Drop a column family */db.DropColumnFamily("users");
Basic Key-Value Operations
/* Create binary key and value */std::vector<uint8_t> key = {1, 2, 3, 4};std::vector<uint8_t> value = {10, 20, 30, 40};
/* Insert with no TTL */db.Put("users", &key, &value, std::chrono::seconds(0));
/* Insert with 1 hour TTL */db.Put("users", &key, &value, std::chrono::seconds(3600));
/* Retrieve a value */std::vector<uint8_t> retrieved_value;db.Get("users", &key, &retrieved_value);
/* Delete a key */db.Delete("users", &key);
Range Queries
std::vector<uint8_t> start_key = {1, 0, 0};std::vector<uint8_t> end_key = {1, 255, 255};std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<uint8_t>, std::vector<uint8_t>>> results;
db.Range("users", &start_key, &end_key, &results);
for (const auto& [k, v] : results) { /* Process key-value pairs.... */}
/* Delete a range of keys */db.DeleteByRange("users", &start_key, &end_key);
TidesDB::Txn txn(&db);txn.Begin();
/* Perform multiple operations atomically */std::vector<uint8_t> key1 = {1, 1};std::vector<uint8_t> value1 = {10, 10};txn.Put(&key1, &value1, std::chrono::seconds(0));
std::vector<uint8_t> key2 = {2, 2};std::vector<uint8_t> value2 = {20, 20};txn.Put(&key2, &value2, std::chrono::seconds(0));
/* Read within the transaction */std::vector<uint8_t> read_value;txn.Get(&key1, &read_value);
/* Delete within the transaction */txn.Delete(&key1);
/* Commit the transaction */txn.Commit();
/* Or roll back if needed * txn.Rollback(); */
TidesDB::Cursor cursor(&db, "users");cursor.Init();
std::vector<uint8_t> key, value;while (cursor.Get(key, value) == 0) { /* Process key and value */
/* Move to next entry */ cursor.Next();
/* Or move to previous entry * cursor.Prev(); */}
Compaction Management
/* Manual compaction with 4 threads */db.CompactSSTables("users", 4);
/* Automated incremental merges (run every 60 seconds if at least 5 SSTables exist) */db.StartIncrementalMerges("users", std::chrono::seconds(60), 5);
Exception Handling Example
try { db.Open("non_existent_directory");} catch (const std::runtime_error& e) { std::cerr << "Database error: " << e.what() << std::endl; /* The error message will contain both the error code and description * Format: "Error {code}: {message}" */}