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TidesDB C Reference

Error Handling

All TidesDB methods return a tidesdb_err_t* which contains an error code and message. If no error occurs, NULL is returned.

typedef struct
int code;
char *message;
} tidesdb_err_t;

Public Methods Reference

Database Operations

Opening a Database

Opens a TidesDB database instance at the specified path.

tidesdb_t *tdb = NULL;
tidesdb_err_t *err = tidesdb_open("your_tdb_directory", &tdb);
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
* If we get here, TidesDB opened successfully.
* We can now perform operations.
printf("TidesDB opened successfully\n");

Closing a Database

Gracefully closes a TidesDB database instance.

tidesdb_err_t *err = tidesdb_close(tdb);
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error closing TidesDB: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
* At this point, we have successfully closed TidesDB
* and released all associated resources. Any further
* operations on tdb would be invalid.
printf("TidesDB closed successfully\n");

Column Family Operations

Creating a Column Family

Creates a new column family with specified configuration.

* Create a column family with Snappy compression and bloom filters
* This will optimize read performance while still maintaining
* good compression ratios for storage efficiency
tidesdb_err_t *err = tidesdb_create_column_family(
tdb, /* TidesDB instance */
"users", /* Column family name */
(1024 * 1024) * 128, /* Memtable flush threshold (128MB) */
TDB_DEFAULT_SKIP_LIST_MAX_LEVEL, /* Skip list max level */
TDB_DEFAULT_SKIP_LIST_PROBABILITY, /* Skip list probability */
true, /* Enable compression */
TDB_COMPRESS_SNAPPY, /* Use Snappy compression */
true /* Enable bloom filters */
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error creating column family: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("Column family 'users' created successfully\n");

Dropping a Column Family

Deletes a column family and all its associated data.

* Dropping a Column Family
* Deletes a column family and all its associated data.
* WARNING: This operation cannot be undone and will
* permanently remove all data in this family.
tidesdb_err_t *err = tidesdb_drop_column_family(tdb, "users");
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error dropping column family: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("Column family 'users' dropped successfully\n");

Listing Column Families

Gets a list of all column families in the TidesDB instance.

* List all column families in the TidesDB instance
* The function allocates memory for the result,
* which must be freed by the caller
char *column_families = NULL;
tidesdb_err_t *err = tidesdb_list_column_families(tdb, &column_families);
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error listing column families: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("Column families: %s\n", column_families);
free(column_families); /* Don't forget to free the memory */

Getting Column Family Statistics

Retrieves detailed information about a column family.

* Get statistics for a column family
* This provides detailed information about the state of
* the specified column family within the TidesDB instance
tidesdb_column_family_stat_t *stat = NULL;
tidesdb_err_t *err = tidesdb_get_column_family_stat(tdb, "users", &stat);
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error getting column family stats: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
/* Display the column family statistics */
printf("Column family: %s\n", stat->cf_name);
printf("Number of SSTables: %d\n", stat->num_sstables);
printf("Memtable size: %zu bytes\n", stat->memtable_size);
printf("Memtable entries: %zu\n", stat->memtable_entries_count);
printf("Incremental merging: %s\n", stat->incremental_merging ? "Yes" : "No");
printf("Flush threshold: %d bytes\n", stat->config.flush_threshold);
/* Free the stats when done to prevent memory leaks */

Key-Value Operations

Putting a Key-Value Pair

Stores a key-value pair in a column family.

* Store a simple key-value pair with no expiration
* This associates a JSON user profile with the key "user:1001"
* in the "users" column family
uint8_t key[] = "user:1001";
uint8_t value[] = "{\"name\":\"Alice\",\"email\":\"\"}";
tidesdb_err_t *err = tidesdb_put(
tdb, /* TidesDB instance */
"users", /* Column family name */
key, /* Key */
sizeof(key), /* Key size */
value, /* Value */
sizeof(value), /* Value size */
-1 /* TTL (-1 means no expiration) */
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error putting key-value pair: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("Key-value pair stored successfully\n");

Putting a Key-Value Pair with TTL

Stores a key-value pair that will expire after a specified time.

* Store a key-value pair with expiration (TTL)
* This associates a session with user ID 1001
* The session will expire automatically after 1 hour
uint8_t key[] = "session:12345";
uint8_t value[] = "{\"user_id\":\"1001\",\"authenticated\":true}";
/* Set TTL to 1 hour from now */
time_t ttl = time(NULL) + (60 * 60);
tidesdb_err_t *err = tidesdb_put(
tdb, /* TidesDB instance */
"sessions", /* Column family name */
key, /* Key */
sizeof(key), /* Key size */
value, /* Value */
sizeof(value), /* Value size */
ttl /* TTL (1 hour from now) */
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error putting key-value pair with TTL: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("Key-value pair with TTL stored successfully\n");

Getting a Key-Value Pair

Retrieves a value by its key from a column family.

* Retrieve a key-value pair from the TidesDB instance
* Looks up the value associated with the key "user:1001"
* The function allocates memory for the result,
* which must be freed by the caller
uint8_t key[] = "user:1001";
uint8_t *value_out = NULL;
size_t value_len = 0;
tidesdb_err_t *err = tidesdb_get(
tdb, /* TidesDB instance */
"users", /* Column family name */
key, /* Key */
sizeof(key), /* Key size */
&value_out, /* Output value */
&value_len /* Output value size */
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error getting key-value pair: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("Retrieved value: %.*s\n", (int)value_len, value_out);
/* Don't forget to free the value when done to prevent memory leaks */

Deleting a Key-Value Pair

Removes a key-value pair from a column family.

* Delete a key-value pair from the TidesDB instance
* This completely removes the entry for "user:1001"
* from the "users" column family
uint8_t key[] = "user:1001";
tidesdb_err_t *err = tidesdb_delete(
tdb, /* TidesDB instance */
"users", /* Column family name */
key, /* Key */
sizeof(key) /* Key size */
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error deleting key-value pair: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("Key-value pair deleted successfully\n");

Range and Filter Operations

Range Queries

Retrieves a range of key-value pairs between two keys.

* Perform a range query to retrieve all users with IDs between 1000 and 2000
* This returns all key-value pairs where the key is lexicographically
* between start_key and end_key (inclusive)
uint8_t start_key[] = "user:1000";
uint8_t end_key[] = "user:2000";
tidesdb_key_value_pair_t **result = NULL;
size_t result_size = 0;
tidesdb_err_t *err = tidesdb_range(
tdb, /* TidesDB instance */
"users", /* Column family name */
start_key, /* Start key */
sizeof(start_key), /* Start key size */
end_key, /* End key */
sizeof(end_key), /* End key size */
&result, /* Output result array */
&result_size /* Output result size */
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error in range query: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("Found %zu key-value pairs in range\n", result_size);
/* Process results */
for (size_t i = 0; i < result_size; i++) {
printf("Key: %.*s, Value: %.*s\n",
(int)result[i]->key_size, result[i]->key,
(int)result[i]->value_size, result[i]->value);
/* Free each key-value pair when done */
/* Free the result array */
Filter Queries

Retrieves key-value pairs that match a specific filter function.

* Define a filter function to find users with "admin" in their value
* This will search through all users and return only those that match
* our criteria (containing the string "admin" in their value)
bool is_admin_user(const tidesdb_key_value_pair_t *kv) {
/* Check if "admin" is in the value */
for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= kv->value_size - 5; i++) {
if (memcmp(kv->value + i, "admin", 5) == 0) {
return true;
return false;
tidesdb_key_value_pair_t **result = NULL;
size_t result_size = 0;
tidesdb_err_t *err = tidesdb_filter(
tdb, /* TidesDB instance */
"users", /* Column family name */
is_admin_user, /* Filter function */
&result, /* Output result array */
&result_size /* Output result size */
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error in filter query: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("Found %zu admin users\n", result_size);
/* Process results */
for (size_t i = 0; i < result_size; i++) {
printf("Admin user - Key: %.*s, Value: %.*s\n",
(int)result[i]->key_size, result[i]->key,
(int)result[i]->value_size, result[i]->value);
/* Free each key-value pair when done */
/* Free the result array */


Transactions allow you to perform multiple operations atomically.

Beginning a Transaction

* Begin a transaction on the 'users' column family
* Transactions allow multiple operations to be executed atomically
* Either all operations succeed, or none of them are applied
tidesdb_txn_t *txn = NULL;
tidesdb_err_t *err = tidesdb_txn_begin(
tdb, /* TidesDB instance */
&txn, /* Transaction pointer */
"users" /* Column family name */
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error beginning transaction: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("Transaction started successfully\n");
* Adding Operations to a Transaction
* We can add multiple operations that will be executed atomically
/* Put operation - add or update a user */
uint8_t key1[] = "user:1001";
uint8_t value1[] = "{\"name\":\"Alice\",\"role\":\"admin\"}";
err = tidesdb_txn_put(
txn, /* Transaction */
key1, /* Key */
sizeof(key1), /* Key size */
value1, /* Value */
sizeof(value1), /* Value size */
-1 /* TTL */
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error adding put operation to transaction: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
/* Delete operation - remove a user */
uint8_t key2[] = "user:1002";
err = tidesdb_txn_delete(
txn, /* Transaction */
key2, /* Key */
sizeof(key2) /* Key size */
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error adding delete operation to transaction: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;

Getting a Value in a Transaction

* Read a value within the transaction context
* This allows you to see the effects of previous operations
* in the transaction before it is committed
uint8_t key[] = "user:1001";
uint8_t *value_out = NULL;
size_t value_len = 0;
err = tidesdb_txn_get(
txn, /* Transaction */
key, /* Key */
sizeof(key), /* Key size */
&value_out, /* Output value */
&value_len /* Output value size */
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error getting value in transaction: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
} else {
printf("Value in transaction: %.*s\n", (int)value_len, value_out);
free(value_out); /* Free the allocated memory */

Committing a Transaction

err = tidesdb_txn_commit(txn);
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error committing transaction: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("Transaction committed successfully\n");

Rolling Back a Transaction

err = tidesdb_txn_rollback(txn);
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error rolling back transaction: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("Transaction rolled back successfully\n");

Freeing a Transaction


Cursor Operations

Cursors allow you to iterate through key-value pairs in a column family.

Initializing a Cursor

* Initialize a cursor to iterate through key-value pairs
* A cursor allows bi-directional sequential access to the TidesDB isntance contents
tidesdb_cursor_t *cursor = NULL;
tidesdb_err_t *err = tidesdb_cursor_init(
tdb, /* TidesDB instance */
"users", /* Column family name */
&cursor /* Cursor pointer */
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error initializing cursor: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("Cursor initialized successfully\n");

Iterating Forward

uint8_t *key = NULL;
size_t key_size = 0;
uint8_t *value = NULL;
size_t value_size = 0;
/* Iterate forward through key-value pairs */
do {
err = tidesdb_cursor_get(
cursor, /* Cursor */
&key, /* Output key */
&key_size, /* Output key size */
&value, /* Output value */
&value_size /* Output value size */
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error getting cursor value: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
printf("Key: %.*s, Value: %.*s\n", (int)key_size, key, (int)value_size, value);
/* Free the key and value when done to prevent memory leaks */
} while ((err = tidesdb_cursor_next(cursor)) == NULL);
* Check if we reached the end of the cursor or if there was an error
* TIDESDB_ERR_AT_END_OF_CURSOR is a special error code that indicates
* we've processed all items in the TidesDB instance
if (err != NULL && err->code != TIDESDB_ERR_AT_END_OF_CURSOR) {
printf("Error iterating cursor: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);

Iterating Backward

/* Iterate backward through key-value pairs */
do {
err = tidesdb_cursor_get(
cursor, /* Cursor */
&key, /* Output key */
&key_size, /* Output key size */
&value, /* Output value */
&value_size /* Output value size */
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error getting cursor value: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
printf("Key: %.*s, Value: %.*s\n", (int)key_size, key, (int)value_size, value);
/* Free the key and value when done */
} while ((err = tidesdb_cursor_prev(cursor)) == NULL);
/* Check if we reached the start of the cursor or if there was an error */
if (err != NULL && err->code != TIDESDB_ERR_AT_START_OF_CURSOR) {
printf("Error iterating cursor: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);

Freeing a Cursor


Compaction Operations

Manual Compaction

Compacts SSTables to improve read performance and reduce storage space.

tidesdb_err_t *err = tidesdb_compact_sstables(
tdb, /* TidesDB instance */
"users", /* Column family name */
4 /* Number of threads to use for compaction */
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error compacting SSTables: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("SSTables compacted successfully\n");

Automatic Incremental Compaction

Starts a background thread that incrementally merges SSTables.

tidesdb_err_t *err = tidesdb_start_incremental_merge(
tdb, /* TidesDB instance */
"users", /* Column family name */
30, /* Merge interval in seconds */
10 /* Minimum number of SSTables to trigger a merge */
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error starting incremental merge: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("Incremental merge started successfully\n");

Range Deletion Operations

Deletes all key-value pairs within a specified range.

uint8_t start_key[] = "session:1000";
uint8_t end_key[] = "session:2000";
tidesdb_err_t *err = tidesdb_delete_by_range(
tdb, /* TidesDB instance */
"sessions", /* Column family name */
start_key, /* Start key */
sizeof(start_key), /* Start key size */
end_key, /* End key */
sizeof(end_key) /* End key size */
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error deleting by range: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("Range deleted successfully\n");

Deleting by Filter

Deletes all key-value pairs that match a specific filter function.

/* Define a filter function to find expired sessions */
bool is_expired_session(const tidesdb_key_value_pair_t *kv) {
/* Check if "expired" is in the value */
for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= kv->value_size - 7; i++) {
if (memcmp(kv->value + i, "expired", 7) == 0) {
return true;
return false;
tidesdb_err_t *err = tidesdb_delete_by_filter(
tdb, /* TidesDB instance */
"sessions", /* Column family name */
is_expired_session /* Filter function */
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error deleting by filter: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("Filtered items deleted successfully\n");

Complete Example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <tidesdb/tidesdb.h>
int main() {
tidesdb_t *tdb = NULL;
tidesdb_err_t *err = NULL;
/* Open a new TidesDB instance */
err = tidesdb_open("./my_tidesdb", &tdb);
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error opening TidesDB: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("TidesDB opened successfully\n");
/* Create a column family */
err = tidesdb_create_column_family(
(1024 * 1024) * 64, /* 64MB flush threshold */
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error creating column family: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("Column family 'users' created successfully\n");
/* Put some key-value pairs */
uint8_t key1[] = "user:1001";
uint8_t value1[] = "{\"name\":\"Alice\",\"email\":\"\"}";
err = tidesdb_put(tdb, "users", key1, sizeof(key1), value1, sizeof(value1), -1);
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error putting key-value pair: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
uint8_t key2[] = "user:1002";
uint8_t value2[] = "{\"name\":\"Bob\",\"email\":\"\"}";
err = tidesdb_put(tdb, "users", key2, sizeof(key2), value2, sizeof(value2), -1);
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error putting key-value pair: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("Key-value pairs stored successfully\n");
/* Get a value */
uint8_t *value_out = NULL;
size_t value_len = 0;
err = tidesdb_get(tdb, "users", key1, sizeof(key1), &value_out, &value_len);
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error getting key-value pair: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("Retrieved value for user:1001: %.*s\n", (int)value_len, value_out);
/* Use a transaction */
tidesdb_txn_t *txn = NULL;
err = tidesdb_txn_begin(tdb, &txn, "users");
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error beginning transaction: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
uint8_t key3[] = "user:1003";
uint8_t value3[] = "{\"name\":\"Charlie\",\"email\":\"\"}";
err = tidesdb_txn_put(txn, key3, sizeof(key3), value3, sizeof(value3), -1);
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error adding put operation to transaction: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
err = tidesdb_txn_commit(txn);
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error committing transaction: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("Transaction committed successfully\n");
/* Use a cursor to iterate through all key-value pairs */
tidesdb_cursor_t *cursor = NULL;
err = tidesdb_cursor_init(tdb, "users", &cursor);
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error initializing cursor: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("\nAll users:\n");
uint8_t *key = NULL;
size_t key_size = 0;
value_out = NULL;
value_len = 0;
while ((err = tidesdb_cursor_next(cursor)) == NULL) {
err = tidesdb_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &key_size, &value_out, &value_len);
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error getting cursor value: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
printf("Key: %.*s, Value: %.*s\n", (int)key_size, key, (int)value_len, value_out);
if (err != NULL && err->code != TIDESDB_ERR_AT_END_OF_CURSOR) {
printf("Error iterating cursor: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
/* Close TidesDB */
err = tidesdb_close(tdb);
if (err != NULL) {
printf("Error closing TidesDB: %s (code: %d)\n", err->message, err->code);
return 1;
printf("TidesDB closed successfully\n");
return 0;